Saturday, May 4, 2013

Ireland: Day One

I hope you're not expecting this blog to be updated with any semblance of regularity, because I would hate to disappoint, and I just don't know how possible it's going to be. For now, though, I can tell you about the beginning of the trip!

Today was quite nearly what I imagine a perfect day might be.

Getting to the Chicago airport to catch my flight out was a little stressful--we got stuck in horrendous Chicago traffic and I was a little unsure as to whether or not there would be enough time for me to get checked in and through security. I got there with time to spare, however, and checked in just before the last of our group.

The flight was great--no problems or hangups, and I even got to (finally) see Silver Linings Playbook and get two and a half or three hours of sleep. (You know it's sad when your international flights are the times you get to catch up on movies you've wanted to see. The same thing happened two years ago on the flights to and from the Scotland/England trip. Ha.)

We got on the ground in Dublin, then took a bus to where we are now in Greystones. We're staying at Coolnagreina Christian Centre--a YWCA. The rooms are very nice. We are all unanimously impressed. I'm so excited I get to stay here for three weeks! Especially since I know I may be staying at some so-so places in Paris and the first week in Oxford.

Coolnagreina dorm building
After getting here, we had lunch and went into town for a bit before heading out on a walk/hike along the coastline.

Greystones is such a lovely town. It was just perfect.

In the very first shop we came to, I walked in and proceeded to fall in love directly with the very first item I saw. It was just so perfect. I had to get it. :)

My jolly little hat :)
 Some initial observations about Ireland:

I have gotten more sun in one day in Ireland than I have in the last week in the States.
Everyone has a dog, and they are always walking them.
There are varying degrees of thickness of accents, even just within Greystones.
A lot of people wear Chucks! Which made me feel better that I put them on to walk today. I didn't feel out of place at all.
There was a wedding at the Catholic church across the way. We overcame the temptation to crash it.
Almost everything reminds me of Scotland and/or England. The feel is very similar.
The people I've come into contact with thus far have been generally warm and, I daresay, friendly.

In town, we split up and wandered around for awhile. Two other girls and I got to our meeting place a little early, and (after people-watching for a few minutes) I decided to cross the road and get an ice cream cone for one Euro, eighty cents. I gave the guy behind the counter a two-Euro coin which he took with a "Thanks, love," in the most perfect of thick Irish accents. Pretty sure I can die happy now.

As I was walking out of the ice cream parlor, a young mum looked at her son and asked, "D'you fancy an ice cream?" to which he fervently shook his head and began to chase the nearest dog.

The walk/hike along the coastline was simply gorgeous. I have no words, only some pictures that capture a fraction of the beauty.

And now, after a lovely dinner, here you find me, typing sleepily and planning to turn in just as soon as I post this. :)


  1. So glad to read about your first day!

  2. So glad you're having a jolly good time, darling! :) Also, I love your hat. xo

  3. Simply marvelous. Nearly every fiber of my being is itching to hop on a plane and join you :)
