Sunday, April 7, 2013

Arab/Israeli Conflict Lecture

On Wednesday, March 27, the Intercultural Student Services office at my school hosted a talk on the Arab/Israeli conflict and situation with Daniel Bannoura, a Palestinian Christian and graduate student in Islamic studies and Philosophy at the University of Chicago.

Of course I had to go. My director and I went, and I'm so glad we did!

About 1/3 of the way into the presentation, I began scribbling madly in my notebook. I'd like to think I was channeling Rachel Corrie. (Only not really, because hers would have had some bizarre drawings all over the margins.)

In case you have trouble deciphering, here are some things I wrote down. And, a little like Rachel, actually, I think I'm just going to leave it a big indecipherable list, and you get to make of it what you will. Muahaha.

Theological Conundrum #675231:
On reading the text 
Jewish people

West Bank = Swiss cheese

When he was fourteen had a friend - shot by a sniper because he broke three- or four-day curfew to buy bread for family

Threw rocks at soldiers during intifada - not what you did when you were a teenager

Ethical response
Seclusion & separation
Land of refuge

"the memory of the Jew" ?
guilt/national conscience - let them down
-> hurting new party
old superceding new


The church in Palestine feels left behind

Cultural perceptions of God

U.S. in the position -> if we withhold veto on Palestinian statehood or show any support for Palestine, lose alliance w/ Israel

Ends justify the means?

Story about meeting -
No politics, just sharing stories

Political Judaism
Political Islam
Political Christianity

Re: the wall
"It's not an inconvenience. If someone spits in your coffee, that's an inconvenience."


Social Justice: mainstream/Catholic vs. evangelical

Using words -> reality

Us vs. Them narrative

Liberation Theology

Palestinian Christian in video - "I'm not persecuted because I am a Christian, I am persecuted because I am Palestinian"

"My only experience of the Israeli is the soldier, not the human. I didn't grow up knowing any Israelis. I think that's the problem with the conflict."

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