Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Bravery and grace

Rachel Held Evans inspires me.

This post just appeared on her blog this afternoon, entitled "All right then, I'll go to hell":

Maybe I'm just emotional, but it made me cry.

Things like this give me hope. Hope that there can be more love and understanding in the world.

It reassures me that I am not the only person in the world struggling with how I should think and act with regards to difficult questions such as this. And it reassures me that I am not the only one who has decided that, since I am human and must err, I would rather err on the side of acceptance than that of judgment.
"Sometimes true faithfulness requires something of a betrayal." 
"'The body of Christ, broken for you,' I said anyway." 
"Perhaps grace, like the Bible, was never meant to be 'sivilized' anyway."

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