Sunday, April 15, 2012

Destination: Staunton

My plans for this summer are closer to being finalized!

I had five potential options for the summer by the time February rolled around. As a theatre major, I started to realize during my sophomore year that my summers during college were going to be extremely valuable, and that I should use them in the most effective way possible while I had them. They're a time when I'll be able to do theatre-related things without necessarily having to get paid (in real money) just yet. Once I graduate I'll have more pressing matters to deal with, like paying for a place to unpack my suitcase and maybe cook some Ramen noodles. Not to mention finding some way to be able to pay for clothes to go in the suitcase and for the Ramen noodles.

But, during my summers in college, it's a little bit of a different story. I don't have to worry about supporting myself independently just yet. Meaning that I can do things like internships for credit. Granted, it would be awfully nice to do something to further my career that also pays real money, but that didn't seem to pan out for this summer.

Before Christmas, I applied for internships at the Goodman Theatre and the Lookingglass Theatre in Chicago, and the American Shakespeare Center in Staunton, Virginia. All would be unpaid internships completed for academic credit with IWU. Only one internship is required to graduate and I actually already completed my internship last summer, stage managing for Minnetrista. But I am allowed to do up to two.

After the auditions in February, I ended up not getting an offer from Great River Shakespeare Festival in Winona, Minnesota. I did get an offer for employment from Missoula Children's Theatre in Missoula, Montana, but I decided that my second choice would be the American Shakespeare Center instead because 1) Missoula, while it would no doubt be fun and memorable (and would pay me), probably would not do a whole lot for my career and 2) I'm fairly certain I want to apply for the Shakespeare and Performance MFA program at Mary Baldwin College in Staunton which has a partnership with the ASC, and this seems like a good way to get my foot in the door.

Long story short, I got an offer from ASC, accepted, and turned down Missoula. I did a phone interview with someone from Lookingglass and they said they would get back to me the next day but I still haven't heard anything back from them, so I doubt that's a positive sign. I haven't heard anything at all from Goodman, which is fine (and not wholly unexpected).

Last week I got a call from the ASC outlining what my internship would look like and discussing possible dates. I was named Production Assistant for their upcoming production of "Two Gentlemen of Verona," (and one of my responsibilities will be some dog handling! I don't know why but I found that exciting), and then was also told that the second part of my internship would consist of helping the ASC develop a program to market their theatre on college campuses. The Production Assistant position will go be from June 11-July 13 - the rehearsal period for "Two Gents," but I've set my tentative dates from June 11-July 25, probably heading down a few days earlier to get my bearings, and then leaving about 12 days or so after the Assistant-ship is done to work on the marketing.

I'm excited! I think it'll be a great experience. And it won't be the entire summer, which is nice, and should leave me at least a little time to work on Rachel Corrie.

Auditions this week for Much Ado About Nothing next fall - we'll see how things go.
My costume pieces have been pulled together and distressed for my creation of Eliza Doolittle from My Fair Lady. I had a very interesting day with mud and a cheese grater.
Advanced Acting Shakespearean scene performances this week - my scene partner and I are performing Helena and Hermia from A Midsummer Night's Dream.
And, most pressing, I have a critical essay/research paper on Merchant of Venice due tomorrow that I've started on but still have a way to go. It could be a long night and day tomorrow (and I may or may not end up skipping a class or two).

Yo ho, yo ho, a thespian's life for me.

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