Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Art and Faith: The Second

I have a sticky note on my desktop with a list of the topics I want (sometimes need) to write posts about. I reached a new record today - my sticky note currently holds seven unstarted topics. Six now!

As I said in a prior post, faith and art has become the [false] dichotomy that has begun to invade my life. Never yet, though, has it been as pronounced as it is right now, in the midst of my struggle with what I plan to be my senior project. Although, it's not really a struggle between me and the script; it's more of a struggle between me and one or two others (so far) as I defend the script and my choice to present it.

Sparked by a conversation I had (described in my prior post), I suddenly had an epiphany and the desire to write something more than a few blog posts was born. I've started working on what I am [for now] calling a manifesto. Although with all the thoughts and research I'd like to pour into it, I'm thinking it will end up more of a small book.

The only thing I know for sure, at the moment, is the title, which I'm hoping will help to guide whatever I end up writing: Why I Will Swear On Stage: Confessions of a Missionary Kid Turned Theatre Artist. I'm guessing the subtitle looks a little familiar.

The title really should say it all. I'm hoping it will be something of a defense for why I do what I do. I know a number of people will probably take issue with it, and I fully understand that I'll probably offend plenty of people. I have a lot of work to do, though, before I get there, and with the way I usually feel while school is in session, let's just say it would take quite a few Spring Breaks for me to make much headway on it. The topics I'm hoping to cover include: some linguistics - definitions and etymologies of some words, an informed discussion of Ephesians 4:29, an exploration of "boundaries and standards" and what that means in relation to the call to live a "holy life" (1 Thessalonians 4:7), and, most certainly, a discussion of the differences between character and actor.

I worked on it some today, so it's on my mind (along with about 3 dozen other things). I feel like my brain is in overdrive and going about 500 miles per hour. Could it be all this sleep I've been getting because it's Spring Break? Is this how my brain would normally function if I wasn't so exhausted all the time? Sheesh.

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