Thursday, March 21, 2013

Senior Project: Round 2 (In which I discover that I am an artist.)

I posted this photo on Facebook today.

My canvas ♥

This is the Black Box Theatre, set up for round 2 of performances of Rachel Corrie.

It took me a while to think of myself as an artist. I was never any good at "art" growing up - my sister had a knack for drawing and crafty things. They always just frustrated me because they never turned out the way I wanted them to. As I've gotten older, however, I've thought of myself as an artist in different ways. I love to write, and I'll never forget the time I positively glowed after an artistically-inclined friend of mine read one of my short stories and announced I had "painted with words." And now, I've started to think of myself as a theatre artist. A growing one. A beginner. But a theatre artist.

Rachel Corrie has made me feel more like an artist than ever before. Sometimes theatre isn't the first thing in people's minds when they hear the word "art." But quite a few people who saw the performances last semester labeled what they saw "art" without hesitation. In fact, to quote a review of the performance, "Go into it expecting to view a piece of art, rather than learn about a political conflict." And I feel like I can finally embrace that.

The stage is set. Round 2 is about to start.

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