Saturday, September 1, 2012

Senior Jitters?

Remember that time the little missionary kid became a working professional actor?

Unfortunately, I haven't heard that story yet. I mean, maybe it's happened, but if it has I haven't heard about it yet. 

I'm not sure if it's because the first day of my senior year of college starts the day after tomorrow or if I'm just going nuts, but this weekend I suddenly got really scared. 

I don't know what comes next.

I don't know how to get work as a professional actor.

I don't know how to get that first gig--that first job where I would get paid to act--that I could put on my resume that would announce to the world, "Look! Someone actually thought I had enough talent and skill and chutzpah to hire me and pay me to do my favorite thing in the entire world!"

Scarier yet: at this moment in time I can't envision myself doing anything else right after I graduate. I think this is what I'm supposed to do.

I'm compiling a list of theatres and auditions to look into this year and trying to keep calm. And I know I still have a year of school to go and that plenty of people (not just theatre majors) don't have a job lined up right after they graduate. 

But so far that hasn't stopped me from shaking in my boots.

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